
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthquake 4

To everyone,

First of all, I am completely safe. So is Taisuke and his family. My friends are also fine. No worries. Life in Tokyo has resumed as normal, and everything else is continuing as normal. This is limited for the moment to Fukushima prefecture which is in the northern part of the main island.

When I went to bed, three of the nuclear plants were unstable. One of those was stabilized overnight. They are currently trying to cool the remaining two. There was an explosion at one of the plants. A press conference was just held. Not all information is available. When it is available, we will be notified. For right now, this is what was in the press conference.

If you are near the Fukushima-Daiichi Plant, do not go within 10 km of the plant. Wear a mask and do not expose your skin to the air. If you don't have a mask, put something over your mouth. Wear clothes that cover the skin. Don't eat or drink anything that has not been approved by the rescue team. Do not go outside.

To the media, stop using helicopters which are disturbing the residents. Also please check all facts before you report them. Reporting falsities will only increase fear in the public.

Stop also sending chain mails that warn of radioactive rain, etc. These are false and they are only creating generalized panic in the public. The government is being forthcoming with information and there is no need for these.

Due to the needs of the rescue effort, there will be some limits on power in Japan. Some parts of Japan may experience a loss or reduction of power, especially in the Tokyo area. If this is the case, you will be notified. In the meantime, turn off all unnecessary electronics.

Experts are currently deciding the best course of action. Damage only occurred at the first plant. The second one is still ok, but evacuation will continue there. It is around 10 km away from the first plant.Those living in the area should evacuate or go to a safe place.

At the moment, only those in the area are expected to be exposed.

For anyone who does not understand Japanese, or who has Facebook, information will continue to be released at Earthquake updates for foreigners in Japan-日本にいる外国人のための情報- on Facebook. (This was used as a source as well)

Pictures are currently being shown of before and after shots. The air around looks slightly gray.

That is all at the moment. Kyoto and the rest of Japan are still completely fine. In order to prevent tying up lines for people that actually need the help in northern Japan, I urge you to pay attention to the news instead. If you are searching for people, please reference the Google page on the below post. Wall Street Journal has been relatively accurate recently. NY Times has been accurate but perhaps over-sensationalized. CNN has not been accurate nor have some of the other more common US news sources.

People are being rescued throughout the area and taken to other prefectures and other safe places.

Again, Kyoto is completely fine. Please remain calm. I am not currently in any danger. Tokyo is not expected to be in any danger either.

Take care everyone, and I'll give information as I receive it.


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