
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Earthquake 7

You know, sometimes I don't feel like updating this. I normally enjoy updating the blog, but when it continues to be about the quake, it is heart-rending.

Another explosion today, and a fire. Both were brought under control. The radiation level briefly peaked, but was brought down again swiftly.

NHK continues its documentaries on how nuclear reactors work. It's helpful.

Heard from a friend's boyfriend today. He lives in Sendai as a JET; he is trying to come down to Kyoto. Also heard from another friend whose family is from Sendai. One of them is injured, and it seems as if they've lost everything. I wish I could do something to help.

Kyoto is still safe.

Going to go to bed now.



  1. Following your blog daily. Glad to know that you are well and safe, and praying for the health, well being, and assistance for all that are affected.

    Dr. and Mrs. J

  2. Thanks for the update! Glad to know you are well! I'm going to Ritsumeikan this Spring! Just want to know, are the food supply in Kyoto been affected as well?


  3. Dr. and Mrs. J: Thank you. We really appreciate it.

    Emilie: Do you mean this coming semester? And no, Kyoto's food supply is still intact. We are sending most of our bottled water to the affected areas though.

  4. Hi Michelle,
    Yes, I am heading to Kyoto this coming April. So life in Kyoto is pretty much the same? As usual?


  5. Yes, Emilie. Everything is fine here. Some trains in the Kansai area have halted, and we are being asked to conserve energy as well, but otherwise things are fine.
